Friday, 11 October 2013

BLACK OR WHITE..other colours of life!!!

I have a confession to make:
“I was bloody scared!”

All through my life I believed in the fact that there is only two truths: BLACK OR WHITE.
Well, I didn’t know I believed in all-or-nothing scenarios, but my behaviour spoke for itself.

What is black-and-white thinking?
Apart from it being a rash way of thinking, it mostly is a way of seeing the world and its contents in only two ways.
I was seeing life in good or bad, in black and white, and with a vile all-or-nothing attitude.
Now, that way of thinking always used to seem absolutely logic to me. To me, there was only a YES or NO.
That way of thinking gave me clarity, but actually, can we put and see life into a BLACK-AND- WHITE pattern?

I’ve come to the conclusion, that we can’t, since life is much more complex than just black and white – its way more colourful and recently I had to realise that it is full of grey zones.
I was never good dealing with grey zones; they scared the living shit out of me, because I didn’t feel save. Seeing things in black-and-white gave me a feel of security (although true security never will be gained by using our minds!). I thought, at least then I know with what I was dealing.
I reckon, my all-or-nothing attitude was based on fear.
The fear of not knowing where I am at or what to do, so I used to rush decisions, quickly made up ideas and conclusions in a Black-and-White pattern in order to gain clarity.
I think, that I must’ve picked that up when I was really little, because back then, I had no choice but to develop a mistaken thinking pattern.
I had to create a save reality in order to maintain a healthy faith, whilst the world around me had crumbled into pieces.
It was necessary for me to survive, to trust and find a certain kind of happiness, but now that I’m grown up, I realise, that this kind of thinking actually doesn’t work that well.
Life, as it is, doesn’t reveal itself always in black-and-white, sometimes there are moments in which nothing is clear. Neither are our feelings or people.
Life is full of grey zones and because I had found myself in one recently, I had to realise the destructive and unproductive way I deal with them, because in order to reach the ‘security’ I sought I tried to alter my mind and make black-and-white decisions.
And based on that, with my all-or-nothing attitude I nearly destroyed a beautiful friendship, a congruent lifestyle and my plans for my future life.
Because, what I didn’t realise was, that there is so many more possibilities in grey zones. When floating in a grey zone I allow a lot of things to happen and work out the way I would like them to be, whilst when living in a black-and-white belief I hinder a lot of possibilities from evolving.
Now, I found the beauty in not having to have control over what happens and forcing things to have to make sense to me and fit into a certain pattern.
Neither for friendships, my feelings nor for the path of my life I walk on, as long as I know WHY I walk them, everything is great as it is.
And don’t get me wrong, only living in grey zones is not good either, because sometimes we have to just make a choice, say YES or NO and push ourselves a bit so we will reach what we dream of.

In the end, it again is about the balance.
When to accept grey zones, sit with the unsolved and unclear things, but also, when it’s time to make things clear to ourselves, which never should be based on fear but on the positive power of problem solving.

I myself found the beautiful and infinite power in grey zones, which before were a nightmare to me and let me tell you what:
I gained more than just more possibilities in my life.
I gained more FREEDOM, because now I don’t have the need to control and know things anymore.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Soul and other Mates

Why do relationships fail so often? Why do partners suffer so much being with each other?
And why do we sometimes suffer a break-up wondering, how was this possible, although there still is so much love for the other?

I think, the reason why a lot of relationships and marriages fail is not because of a lack of love.
I think, it’s due to a lack of friendship.

Actually, there is no difference between true love and friendship. But the way we see and define love makes it being a big difference.
The love for a friend often comes more unconditionally, whilst the love for a partner we fill with conditions.

When we search for a love to share our lives with, we often fail and end up with someone who doesn’t really fit to us.
Because what we don’t realise is, that subconsciously we have an idea about the right partner, how he has to be, what he has to look like – we put up conditions.
Those ideas, expectations, are based on deeper reasons, mostly on a lack we feel in our life and we actually expect the partner to fill that lack. To add what we are missing.

What we do, my friend and I, we call “Window-shopping”.
We only see what is visible to the eye mixed with our expectations and seldom we are our true selves when we enter a relationship.
We hang up a good picture of ourselves so the other doesn’t notice our faults and weaknesses. We don’t really show who we really are and a lot of times, we keep doing that over years until we are so unhappy that we break up and the magic is gone.

Now, in friendship things work differently.
Because there are no such expectations, we tend to behave more natural. We can behave shit, we can be angry, weak, cry and laugh at the same time and our best friend is not giving a damn gram of shit. Our best friend sees the demons in us, but also accepts them as a part of ourselves.
It’s called intimacy and is one of the most beautiful and freeing moments in our lives. When we can me ALL of us and we can feel ok about it.
Our best friend would eat the last slice of pizza and laugh right in our face, but to a regular partner, we wouldn’t be so forgiving! And whilst the perfect partner we have in mind would bail us out of jail, our best friend would be sitting in jail next to us saying: “That was soooo awesome!!!”
Meanwhile I think, the best thing that can happen to us is, to get married to your best friend!
Or let me call it, your SOULMATE, and let me stop you here from floating through purple clouds thinking about a flawless union where there is only peace and love.
Because, unlike to what people believe a SOULMATE is, I think it is the opposite!
I used to think, that a true SOULMATE is a picture-perfect and the flawless fit and everything is just wonderful, but I now realised, it is actually the contrary.

I think, a SOULMATE actually is a mirror you look into every single day of your life and all you see is just an image of your true Self.
A SOULMATE shows us everything about us, everything we truly are, not only the light but also the shadows that lure inside of us.
They bring our greatest fears and desires to our own attention so we can change our life accordingly. They display us obstacles, demolishing our walls we put up and punch us awake.
Our SOULMATE”S purpose is to split apart our ego, breaking our shielded hearts open so new light can set upon our fears and restrictions, and by that freeing us more than anything else we will come across in life.
They make us angry and happy at the same time – they make us feel alive.
And don’t get me wrong; our true SOULMATE is not one of those who is promising the stars to us, but one of the kind that lays down with us to watch them for a while.

I am pretty sure, that our SOULMATE is the one, that doesn’t end up turning us into the person we really ARE, but into a person we ALWAYS WANTED TO BECOME!